All Hometown Trolleys and Buses meet or exceed Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, SAE standards, and Department of Transportation and ADA requirements. Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. operates under LEAN manufacturing principles and implements ISO-9000 standards.
Certifications and
- Center for Transportation and the Environment
- 2017 SBA Small Business Person of the Year, Wisconsin
- 2016 Manufacturing Award of Distinction
- 29th Annual Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Nominee
- 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Forest County Economic Development
- 2019 Key Note Speaker for 30th Annual Lenders Conference
- 2019 Key Note Speaker for Governors Minority Conference
- 2012 Manufacturer of the Year Nominee
- Women’s Business Enterprise through Wisconsin Department of Commerce
- WI Manufacturer License through Wisconsin Department Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles
- DIsadvantaged Business Enterprise under the Wisconsin DOT Unified Certification Program
- Exportech Completion through Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
- Advisory Board Member - UW Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship
Hometown Manufacturing
DBE Goal | Hometown Manufacturing, Inc.
Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. is proud to provide Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) the opportunity to participate in state and local procurements for the sourcing of components and materials in the manufacturing of Hometown Trolleys and Buses. Hometown Manufacturing, Inc.'s objective of the DBE program is to ensure that eligible DBE firms can participate in transportation-related projects.
Our goal as a DBE is to assist other qualifying Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in obtaining their DBE certification.
Hometown Manufacturing, Inc., a TVM, located in Crandon, WI hereby announces its Federal FY2021 goal for awarding Disadvantaged Business (DBE) contracts of 4%, as required by 49 CFR 26.45 and 26.49. The DBE goal along with a description of how the goal was developed is available for public view and comment from 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday-Friday at the office of Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. at P.O. Box 185, Crandon, Wisconsin 54520 for 30 days following the date of this notice. Comments for informational purposes will be accepted for 30 days following the date of this notice and should be sent to our DBE Liaison Officer at the address above.
We want to help you become DBE certified.
As a certified DBE, Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. looks forward to assisting your qualifying small business in obtaining a DBE certification. If your company is already certified as a DBE, or if you would like more information on how your business qualifies for the DBE program, please click here to request more information from our Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. DBE Liaison Officer.
Hometown Manufacturing, Inc. welcomes vendors who qualify as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women’s Business Enterprises (WBE) to supply parts and services at a competitive price.
Hometown Manufacturing, Inc., a manufacturer of rubber tired trolleys and buses used for passenger transit welcomes vendors who qualify as DBE/WBE/MBE to supply goods and services. Interested parties should click here to request more information or contact the DBELO at (715) 301-0149, email donek@hometowntrolley.com or by mail at PO Box 185, Crandon, WI 54520.